2030 carbon neutral programme for Brighton & Hove

June 25, 2021

Brighton & Hove City Council has published details of its programme to reach carbon neutrality by 2030.

Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency in December 2018 alongside an ambition for the city to be carbon neutral by 2030.

The council’s corporate plan, 2020 to 2023 – a fairer city, a sustainable future, sets out a series of priorities, including taking all action required to make the city carbon neutral by 2030 (CN2030).

This programme is the response to the climate and biodiversity emergency. It sets the direction for action on climate change by the council, partners and residents across the city for the next decade. It focuses on social justice and future generations alongside rapid decarbonisation.

This programme sets out clear actions and interventions required on the path to net zero emissions, starting immediately.

In December 2019, Policy and Resources Committee approved the establishment of the cross-party 2030 Carbon Neutral Member Working Group to oversee the creation and delivery of a Carbon Neutral Programme to help the city to transition to carbon neutrality by 2030.

The creation of this carbon-neutral programme is a monumental development, setting out the ways we will combat the climate crisis in the city of Brighton & Hove. Climate change is causing devastating damage across the globe, destroying habitats and driving many species to extinction. The human population is suffering too, with more frequent extreme weather events and toxic air. We cannot sit back and let this happen. Together we are grasping the opportunity with both hands, taking ambitious action with residents and partners across the city, to reach the target of a carbon neutral city by 2030.

The city can only achieve its carbon neutral ambitions with all city organisations, businesses, communities, residents and visitors working together to find solutions for the challenges we face.

Central to the city’s ambition is taking a joined-up approach to delivering projects and initiatives that:

  • protect and promote our environment
  • facilitate behaviour change
  • support city resilience to the impacts of climate change
  • nurture the skills and opportunities we need to help our economy grow and prosper

The council’s response to the serious challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic highlights the need for a green recovery and demonstrates how we can work together across the city at all levels. The carbon neutral 2030 target is a city-wide one and needs participation from residents, schools, businesses and institutions across the city.

Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) have engaged with the city at many levels through the climate assembly, the Youth Climate Assembly, city-wide partnerships, behaviour change campaigns, formal consultations and support for community action. Working with key partners including The Living Coast and Sussex Local Nature Partnership, local universities, electricity and gas companies projects will be created that will accelerate progress on climate action and build green skills and jobs.

By Sarah Dobson

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